Support and information help Jelena stay independent at home

For Bolton Clarke Home and Community Support client Jelena, getting the right information and support to help her manage diabetes at home has been important for retaining her independence.
Born in Sarajevo, Jelena completed a degree in English language and literature before beginning her career in the Belgrade Ministry of Foreign Trade. She was offered the opportunity to train as an interpreter in London and leapt at the chance.
“I always dreamed about going to London,” she recalls.
It was there, during a night out at Café de Paris, that her life changed forever.
“Someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to dance. We danced all night until the orchestra stopped playing,” she says.
That someone was Malcolm, who would become her life partner for the next 52 years.
Jelena, who now lives in Melbourne, has type 2 diabetes and receives daily nursing visits from Bolton Clarke to assist with her medications.
Recently, this has also helped her recover after a fall and time in hospital.
People over 65 living with diabetes are 17 times more likely to fall than younger individuals without the condition. Falls can lead to severe injuries and loss of independence.
To help combat this, Bolton Clarke’s Be Healthy and Active program provides free community information sessions on falls prevention and healthy ageing.
Attendees learn practical ways to reduce their risk of falling and receive exercise guides to improve strength, balance and mobility.
Entirely supported by donations, the Be Healthy and Active program has already made a difference benefiting almost 40,000 people.
With more than 1,500 sessions delivered around Australia, the program also offers online information videos and resources.
“Programs like this empower us to stay active and live independently with confidence,” Jelena said.
Find out more here.